Dynic Corporation (hereinafter the “Company”) provides the following Privacy Policy and is committed to strict management and operation to prevent leakage, loss, unintended use, falsification, and other accidents involving the personal information that you provide.
The Company shall strive to keep your personal information, including the address, name, corporate name, telephone number, and email address provided by you accurate and up-to-date, to implement the necessary measures (including the maintenance of a security system, provision of a management structure, and conduct of thorough employee education), and to strictly manage the personal information by implementing security measures to prevent unauthorized access, loss, damage, falsification, leakage, and other accidents involving the personal information.
The Company may use the personal information entrusted by you to send letters and e-mails to provide communications and information on its services, respond to inquiries, or provide other materials to you.
The Company shall properly manage personal information entrusted by you and shall not disclose the personal information to third parties, unless the following conditions apply:
The Company has all possible security measures in place to ensure the accuracy and security of personal information.
If you wish to inquire about your personal information or to correct or delete the information, the Company shall accept the request after identity validation.
The Company shall adhere to legislation in Japan and other norms that apply to the personal information in its custody and shall strive to improve this Policy by reviewing its contents from time to time.
Please contact us below for any requests under Section 5 and inquiries that you may have about our handling of your personal information.