Compliance Declaration Basic Compliance Policy Basic Approaches

Compliance Declaration

Dynic Group operates with “Technological Superiority and Harmony among people” as management philosophy and “For The Customer” as our basic management policy.
To ensure these corporate philosophies, we need to have and maintain good relationships with the various stakeholders such as shareholders, customers, business partners and employees.
It is essential for all of Dynic Group members to comply with the laws, company regulations, social norms and corporate ethics. In other words “Thorough compliance”.
We, Dynic Group members, will remember “Compliance” and act as a responsible member of society with good sense.

Basic Compliance Policy

Considering compliance to be a fundamental policy of management, Dynic Group has a clear recognition that thorough compliance is the foundation of business management. In addition to complying with various laws and regulations as required in business activities, we will carry out highly transparent business activities with fairness and integrity by implementing the CSR Action Guidelines.

Basic Approaches

(1) We are committed to act in line with laws and good ethics.
(2) We are committed to strive to protect the environment and conserve resources.
(3) We are committed to contribute to society by providing products and services that clients can trust.
(4) We are committed to ensure the transparency and soundness of management.
(5) We are committed to build a corporate culture characterized by respect for human rights.
(6) We are committed to eliminate permanently any involvement with antisocial forces.

Hidenobu Yamada President and CEO