
1919 Nippon Cloth Industry Co., Ltd. established in Kyoto,capitalized at 1,000,000 yen
1929 Tenjingawa factory completed in Kyoto
1932 Began the manufacture of typewriter ribbons
1937 Taihei paper former company established. Oji factory completed
1943 Taihei Paper Manufacturing Co., Ltd. started. Fuji factory joined Taihei Paper
1948 Tokyo office opened
1951 Company listed on the stock exchange
1952 Tokyo factory inaugurated
1957 Produced the first domestic nonwoven fabric "PANELON"
1964 Fukaya factory completed
1965 Production and sales of "STAFLEX" fusible interlining began
1968 "Lectraseal" method process started
1970 Moka factory completed
1973 Production and sales of print name materials "NIC SEVEN" began
1974 Company name changed from Nippon Cloth Industry Co., Ltd. to Dynic Corporation
1978 Shiga factory completed (Kyoto factory completely moved to Shiga Factory)
1979 Dynic (H.K.) Ltd. established
"NIC SEVEN" received technical award from The Society of Fiber Science and Technology
1987 FFC "ALINDA" business started
Astropark observatory opened
1988 Dynic USA Corp. established
1990 Dynic(U.K.) established
Office Media Co., Ltd. joined the group
1991 Dalian Dynic Office Products Co., Ltd. established in China
“Mr. Meishiman”business card printing system project began
1993 Kunshan Staflex Textile Co., Ltd. established
1995 Joint business with Taihei Paper Manufacturing Co., Ltd. announced
1996 Saitama factory inaugurated (Tokyo factory moved to Fukaya)
1997 Shiga factory acquired ISO14001, 9001, certifications
1998 Saitama factory acquired ISO9001 and 14001 certifications
2000 Developed moisture getter for Organic EL
2002 Dynic International Trading(Shanghai)Co.,Ltd. established in China
2003 Merged Taihei Paper Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
2011 Tokyo head office and Saitama Factory acquired FSCTM/CoC certification
2013 Tpcnic Co., Ltd. established
2014 PT. Dynic Textile Prestige established
2016 Oji Factory acquired FSSC22000 certifications
2017 Shiga Factory acquired FSC®/CoC certification
2018 Moka Factory acquired FSSC22000 certifications
Dynic (CZ) s.r.o. established
2020 Dynic Singapore Pte. Ltd. established
Published “Dynic 100 nenshi” (100 years history of Dynic)