1919 | Nippon Cloth Industry Co., Ltd. established in Kyoto,capitalized at 1,000,000 yen |
1929 | Tenjingawa factory completed in Kyoto |
1932 | Began the manufacture of typewriter ribbons |
1937 | Taihei paper former company established. Oji factory completed |
1943 | Taihei Paper Manufacturing Co., Ltd. started. Fuji factory joined Taihei Paper |
1948 | Tokyo office opened |
1951 | Company listed on the stock exchange |
1952 | Tokyo factory inaugurated |
1957 | Produced the first domestic nonwoven fabric "PANELON" |
1964 | Fukaya factory completed |
1965 | Production and sales of "STAFLEX" fusible interlining began |
1968 | "Lectraseal" method process started |
1970 | Moka factory completed |
1973 | Production and sales of print name materials "NIC SEVEN" began |
1974 | Company name changed from Nippon Cloth Industry Co., Ltd. to Dynic Corporation |
1978 | Shiga factory completed (Kyoto factory completely moved to Shiga Factory) |
1979 | Dynic (H.K.) Ltd. established "NIC SEVEN" received technical award from The Society of Fiber Science and Technology |
1987 | FFC "ALINDA" business started Astropark observatory opened |
1988 | Dynic USA Corp. established |
1990 | Dynic(U.K.) established Office Media Co., Ltd. joined the group |
1991 | Dalian Dynic Office Products Co., Ltd. established in China “Mr. Meishiman”business card printing system project began |
1993 | Kunshan Staflex Textile Co., Ltd. established |
1995 | Joint business with Taihei Paper Manufacturing Co., Ltd. announced |
1996 | Saitama factory inaugurated (Tokyo factory moved to Fukaya) |
1997 | Shiga factory acquired ISO14001, 9001, certifications |
1998 | Saitama factory acquired ISO9001 and 14001 certifications |
2000 | Developed moisture getter for Organic EL |
2002 | Dynic International Trading(Shanghai)Co.,Ltd. established in China |
2003 | Merged Taihei Paper Manufacturing Co., Ltd. |
2011 | Tokyo head office and Saitama Factory acquired FSCTM/CoC certification |
2013 | Tpcnic Co., Ltd. established |
2014 | PT. Dynic Textile Prestige established |
2016 | Oji Factory acquired FSSC22000 certifications |
2017 | Shiga Factory acquired FSC®/CoC certification |
2018 | Moka Factory acquired FSSC22000 certifications Dynic (CZ) s.r.o. established |
2020 | Dynic Singapore Pte. Ltd. established Published “Dynic 100 nenshi” (100 years history of Dynic) |