Basic CSR policy

简体中文版本: CSR 基本方针
Basic CSR policy

Under our management philosophy "Technological superiority and harmony among people" and our basic management policy "For The Customer," Dynic Corporation has established Basic CSR Policy in order to fulfill our social responsibilities. Based on the Seven Core Subjects of CSR*, we have identified the three items below as particularly important priorities to make our CSR initiatives clear as we aim to realize a sustainable world together with our supply chain and society.
*Seven Core Subjects of CSR: Organizational governance; Human rights; Labour practices; The environment; Fair operating practices; Consumer issues (responsibility towards customers); and Community involvement and development (Source: ISO26000 Social Responsibility Guidelines)

(1) Promoting legal compliance and honing compliance sensitivity
We shall respect human rights, create a healthy workplace that gives consideration to occupational safety and health, eliminate antisocial forces (organized crime), undertake planning and development that give consideration to intellectual property rights, and otherwise carry out business activities fairly, as well as endeavor to dialogue with stakeholders.

(2) Carrying out business activities that give consideration to biodiversity conservation and climate change, contributing to the construction of a recycling society
In compliance with the Basic Environmental Policy, we are carrying out procurement and other business activities giving consideration to biodiversity in addition to our energy-saving and resource-saving initiatives.
Design concepts that give consideration to the environment, such as prioritizing use of easy-to-recycle raw materials, are being incorporated into product planning.

(3) Responsibilities to clients and customers
We shall at all times adhere to Basic Quality Policy and supply safe, reliable products and services that meet client and customer requirements.

Hidenobu YamadaPresident and CEO

CSR Action Guidelines (Former Compliance Action Guidelines)

    I. Relationship to society

  1. We, Dynic Group, will be active a participant in social-contribution activities and contribute to social progress as a good corporate citizen. Under an appropriate management structure, we will respect the standards recognized internationally and comply with all laws, regulations and rules.
  2. We will not engage in transactions that violate laws or regulations. To prevent the inadvertent engagement in such transactions, we will strive to ascertain and understand business-related laws and regulations and comply with them fully.
  3. In cases such as when making political contributions or donations to various organizations, we will do so through appropriate means in compliance with applicable laws and regulations in each country and region such as Japan’s National Public Service Act and the Political Funds Control Act.
  4. We will resolutely prevent the involvement of antisocial individuals and organizations in our Group. We will not engage in any undertaking that could foster the activities of such parties and as a company we will dauntlessly oppose such forces.
  5. Recognizing that playing an active role in protecting the environment is an important topic of management, we will strive toward coexistence with the environment in all domains of our business activities, through such means as promoting energy conservation, reducing emissions and waste and recycling. We will comply with Basic Environmental Policy in our environmental preservation initiatives and strongly endeavor to improve them.
  6. II. Relations with customers, suppliers and competitors

  7. While complying strictly with all applicable laws, regulations and rules in each country and region in which we do business, we will develop appropriate and high-quality products that meet customers’ needs, based on an understanding of our customers’ points of view.
  8. We will listen respectfully to claims and complaints from customers and rapidly and sincerely respond to them, utilizing them in future product development and as a basis for business improvements.
  9. We will comply with Basic Quality Policy in our quality assurance efforts and strive to improve them.
  10. In product manufacturing, development, storage, sales, transport, repair and refurbishment, we will keep safety uppermost in mind at all times while fully understanding and complying with laws and regulations on product safety and other safety-related matters as well as safety standards in each country and region in which we do business. We will also aim to achieve even higher levels of safety. In addition, we will endeavor to disclose product information with high levels of transparency.
  11. In importing and exporting products, we will ensure that we understand the intent of export/import controls established by Japan and partner countries and comply with applicable laws and regulations in trade transactions.
  12. Under no circumstances will we engage in cartels, collusion, improper maintenance of resale prices, abuse of advantageous positions or other violations of antitrust laws. We will maintain free and fair business competition.
  13. In transactions with suppliers, our interactions will be with decency and sincerity and suppliers will be treated fairly and equitably at all times.
  14. When subcontracting manufacturing to suppliers, we will enter into contracts and carry out business transactions based on a thorough understanding of laws and regulations such as subcontracting law in the countries and regions in which we do business while taking care to refrain from such acts as unjustifiably delaying payment.
  15. We will never, for any reason, obtain or use the confidential information of other companies that we know were or may have been obtained through improper means.
  16. We will provide and/or receive entertainment and gifts to and from customers or suppliers strictly within the scope of socially accepted norms and constraints.
  17. We will ensure we understand the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention and applicable laws and regulations of the countries and regions in which we do business and act in ways that avoid impeding sound political and economic development and distortion of international competitive conditions in our international commercial transactions.
  18. We will cooperate with our supply chain to avoid and mitigate risks of involvement in human-rights violations or in conflict-affected and high-risk areas.
  19. Ⅲ. Relations with shareholders and investors

  20. We will make every effort to enable timely and appropriate disclosure to shareholders, customers and others in accordance with applicable legal systems and practices, to ensure that stakeholders have a clear understanding of company business conditions and activities overall.
  21. We will not engage in stock transactions or other forms of transaction that would qualify as insider trading. In addition, we will scrupulously manage unpublished material facts concerning Group, customers/suppliers and others, to prevent insider trading.
  22. Ⅳ.  Employee relations

  23. We will strive to build working environments characterized by mutual trust and sound judgement, eliminating human-rights violations in the workplace such as discrimination, sexual harassment and other forms of harassment.
  24. We will use personal information concerning employees and outsiders learned in the course of doing business for business purposes only and will prohibit to use for any other purposes. In addition, we will diligently manage information to prevent leaks outside the company.
  25. Together with complying with labor laws and other regulations of each country and region, preventing crime and accidents in the workplace and maintaining safety, we will strive to build working environments that are health and safety.
  26. We will ensure it has a clear understanding of the intent of standards established under the laws and regulations of each country and region regarding prohibition of forced labor and child labor, legal compliance on working hours, wages and benefits, ethical treatment, non-discrimination and freedom of association. And we reflect this understanding in our business activities.
  27. The internal whistle-blowing program will protect the confidentiality of information concerning reports and the anonymity of whistle-blowers and they will be protected from retaliation.
  28. Ⅴ. Relationship to the Company and Company property

  29. Employees will comply with the rules of employment at all times.
  30. We will do business properly in compliance with internal rules. We also will strive to maintain and improve internal rules in accordance with the importance of business operations and its efficiency and we will review them regularly.
  31. Those who have compliance obligations as employees and officers will refrain from involvement in activities for their own or third party’s benefit and that would be detrimental to the company (i.e., would involve conflicts of interest).
  32. We will take defensive measures against cyberattacks and other outside threats, carefully manage trade secrets and personal information of the company and other companies, prevent leaks of such information outside company and refrain from using it for anything other than business purposes.
  33. Recognizing the need to use the company assets efficiently and keep them in a usable state at all times, we will handle such assets, whether tangible or intangible, appropriately to prevent damage or theft.
  34. We will endeavor to identify risks to business continuity, devise a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) and review it periodically.
  35. We will not infringe the intellectual property rights of other companies in any aspect of our business operations. At the same time, we will strive to protect our own intellectual property rights.

CSR procurement